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Selecting an output format

Prepare print-ready document

This converts the selected helpfile into an RTF output file which includes all the extra formatting needed to produce manual-quality documents. The screen snippet at right shows how a part of this document might appear in Normal view in Microsoft Word.

Prepare recompilable source code

This option generates output files which are functionally equivalent to the source documents created by the file's author. When recompiled, these files should produce a new file which looks and behaves exactly like the original .HLP, .MVB or .M13 file.

The screen snippet to the right of this radio button shows how the document might appear in Normal view in Microsoft Word. Much of the unusual tagging and formatting shown here is intended only for developers of compiled hypertext documents and is incompatible with standard word processing.

Understanding different types of RTF documents

In case you're not familiar with .RTF files, you might like to know that in terms of printing and word processing, they are identical to standard word processor documents and support most word processing features.

When you process Help, Multimedia Viewer and MediaView files using Help to RTF, you can create two different types of RTF output documents, but be aware that the RTF output you get with a print-ready document is not the same as the output you get when preparing recompilable source code. Help to RTF adds extra formatting to a print-ready document to give it a manual-like appearance and feel when printed. Recompilable source code won't be nearly as useful in printed form.

Generally speaking, unless you're a developer wishing to explore the file's source code, the print-ready option is the only option you will ever need.
